Georgia cover-up of deaths in $3.3 billion pharmaceutical project: documents

A new data leak reveals that the Georgian government and US drug giant Gilead have failed to investigate at least 249 deaths of patients...

Project G-2101: Pentagon biolab discovered MERS and SARS-like coronaviruses in bats

This investigation was originally published at Arms Watch Two years ago, I investigated an alleged laboratory accident at the Lugar Center, the Pentagon biolaboratory in...

US Task Force Smoking Gun smuggles weapons to Syria: Serbia files (Part 2)

This investigation was originally published at Arms Watch New leaked documents expose for the first time a secret US Special Operations Command unit code named...

Islamic State weapons in Yemen traced back to US Government: Serbia files (part 1)

This investigation was originally published at Arms Watch While US President Donald Trump boasts about the defeat of Islamic State in Syria, US government-purchased weapons...

350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists

At least 350 diplomatic Silk Way Airlines (an Azerbaijani state-run company) flights transported weapons for war conflicts across the world over the last 3...

Diplomatic Viruses

This investigative documentary was originally broadcast by Al Mayadeen TV. The US Embassy to Tbilisi transports frozen human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo. Internal...

US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program

The US Embassy to Tbilisi transports frozen human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo for a secret US military program. Internal documents, implicating US...

Salisbury attack reveals $70 million Pentagon program at Porton Down

The Pentagon has spent at least $70 million on military experiments involving tests with deadly viruses and chemical agents at Porton Down - the...

The Pentagon Bio-weapons

The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds...

Bulgarian journalist confronts US official over secret biolabs

Authored by Filip Vuković, Balkan Post On 16 January 2018, a Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva wrote a detailed article about the US bio-weapons research...


Who and how exported Bulgarian weapons to Ukraine: documents

Documents reveal that tons of Bulgarian weapons were exported to Ukraine via Poland and the Czech Republic in 2021 and 2020. Bulgaria officially denies...